Council Process

Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman Council Meetings are legal meetings at which Municipality Council has jurisdiction to conduct Municipality business and transactions and to make decisions.

Municipality employees typically attend both Council Meetings to provide information and background on issues as required.  

Municipality Council and Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Council Chambers at the Municipal Office located at 311 Main Street, Minitonas, Manitoba.  Meetings begin at 6:00pm and are open to the public.  In the event confidential or sensitive information that falls within the exemptions of Section 152(3) of The Municipal Act or Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act is being discussed, the meeting or certain parts of the meeting may be closed to the public.

The Reeve may call Special Meetings if an emergent matter requires attention.

Council meetings dates are available on the Council Meetings Calendars.


The public present in Council Chambers shall adhere to the following standards of conduct:
  - No crude, vulgar, obscene, or offensive language or gestures are allowed at any time in Council Chambers.
  - No crude, vulgar, obscene, or offensive messaging on clothing.
  - No speaking during meetings, unless acknowledged by chair to speak as a delegation.
  - No speaking during meetings, unless acknowledged during a public hearing portion of a meeting.
  - No signs, place cards, or banners are allowed in Council Chambers without prior permission.
  - Electronic messages shall not be sent to the Mayor or any Councillor participating in a meeting.
Any person who does not adhere to the rules listed above will be asked to leave the Council Chambers.  If they fail to do so the meeting will be recessed, and the Chief Administrative Officer will have them removed.  Any person removed from Chambers shall not be allowed to return for a period determined by the Reeve.

The proceedings of Council are governed by the Bylaw 03-2023 - Procedure, Municipal Act, and all other pertinent legislation.